Discord timestamp maker
Discord timestamp maker
<Result will be displayed here>
What does it do?
Let's say you want to make plans with friends in a number of different time zones. You could put, for instance, "Let's meet up at 7:00PM CST", but anyone not in your time zone might be too lazy to do the math to convert it.
Luckily discord has a solution for this, but it isn't very well advertised. If you create a timestamp
<t:1698541200:t>and insert it into your message
Let's meet up at <t:1698541200:t>it will show up as "Let's meet up at 7:00PM" for you, "Let's meet up at 6:00PM" for your friend in MST, etc.
This tool helps relieve the effort of creating and formatting these timestamps
How do I use it?
- Enter the time into the box in YOUR time zone
- Use the dropdown to select which format you would like
- Click the "create timestamp" button
- Copy the resulting code into your clipboard (it should happen automatically)
- Paste the weird little snippet into your message where you want the time to display